Instagram Danielle Cohn

7 M subscribers 1,8 K posts
Beach day ❤️
05/28/2024 10:23
First time in London ????????????
05/16/2024 04:28
Happy birthday to my fiancé???????? I love you so much and I’m so excited to start this new chapter with you. I can’t wait to spend many more birthdays together while we grow old together ✨????????????‍♀️
05/09/2024 01:34
In my own world ✨
04/27/2024 08:00
???? #fyp #reels #summer
04/18/2024 07:57
6 months away????????#2024bride
04/05/2024 11:58
As women we often forget to take care of ourselves and give ourselves the love we deserve. As a women who grew up in the public eye I was always being judged and put down. I decided to use my platform to empower women. It started off by videos showing my self care routines and encouraging the young girls watching that taking care of yourself is so important. I then started realizing how little we knew about self-care and what products were good to use and of course were safe. I started to think how cool it would be to have my own company that focused on simply just women’s self-care that had all clean and natural ingredients that were safe to use on the body and feminine area. Making us feel amazing about ourselves everywhere and not feeling ashamed to talk about it or ask questions I not only wanted to make a brand, but a support system where we could teach each other how to take care of ourselves. I am constantly coming up with new ideas And making more and more products to add to my women’s self-care brand and I’m so thankful for the support you guys have shown it means the world I’m so happy to share my products and watch my ideas come to life and see all of you guys using the products and loving them! I love hearing all the reviews and seeing how my products make you guys confident, it’s such a special feeling.???????? As women we need to stick together! if you guys haven’t checked out her lovely pleasure definitely go check it out we’ve grown so much and this is only the beginning✨????
03/24/2024 08:54
sun kissed✨
03/20/2024 08:35
03/12/2024 11:28
02/21/2024 10:26

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