Instagram Hailee Lautenbach

574,9 K subscribers 6,6 K posts
WELLNESS WEEKEND thank you for staying with me through all of my Hailee evolutions, look at me now being invited on wholesome trips! I'm a genuine fan previously or now of every company that was there, highly rec deep diving them all. The best staycation for many a reason. #coldplunge
06/03/2024 05:28
Free people posted some shorts, short shorts, short pants, short short shorts, and wide hipped jeans called barrel pants (perhaps that’s a pre existing style but I digress). Much controversy in the comments and a plethora talking about needing monostat and cranberry juice if they wear these? I do not understand that part but what did bother me was tearing free people apart for making clothes that “wouldn’t look good on anyone” or making clothes that only work on small bodies. I think most of these are cute, sometimes i wear sheer-ish dresses and want non-biker shorts to wear under, so i got a pair of the We The Free Keep It Brief Denim Micro Shorts. I also LOVED the barrel jeans holy wow i got BOTH. I did not get any of the ruffled lace brief / boxers / shorties. Too mich fabric in that area dost compliment my body. BUT i was so excited abojt having something else to maybe wear under sheer things or a big shirt thats just a little too short to wear without pants.
05/28/2024 05:41
Social Media Kills ????✨???? yay new piece for @galore ! We embodied the 90s Versace campaigns ~~ TASTE THE SEMI RAINBOW @savannarruedy I dare you to watch Model House! ???????????????? #90sfashion #90sversace
05/18/2024 12:53
What do you do on a 10 day family vacation in Palm Springs? Create a reality show, of course. Episode 1 on my YouTube :) #lautenbaching #thelautenbachs
05/16/2024 03:47
JOLYNNN JOLYYNNNN JOLYYENISDNNN you know the song. My ideal day is a day on set whoop whoop and I am here today to fill you in on an industry secret!! Okay just a fact a guess, but if you look closely you’ll see we’re shooting this in the Christmas time of LA, and the photos JUST came out. When people ask if I get to keep clothes from set the answer is usually no because you’re shootings so far in advance, the patterns and cuts are all secret. Yes, we are doing rocket science over here in the fashion world. Oh yea and psa censoring clothes doesn’t always mean you’re scantily clad underneath, it can also be a top secret floral pattern.
05/06/2024 06:54
I fkn stupidly asked for ranch at Joes pizza and they sent Spider-Man out to reprimand me and I’m talking the real person actor Spider-Man, Tobey Maguire came out of the back and started wall flip jumping over and over and I’m not sure if he was malfunctioning from being forced to come out of joes pizza all the time for the ranch orderers but in any case that’s where and what I’m looking at in all of these pictures. Oh yea and he was wearing a flat cap that said “no pics please” on the top ???? I’m going to New York next week and I heard this happens at Joes there too but it’s Adrien Brody and he wears an ailing prop Carnictis from King Kong (2005) on his back
04/23/2024 03:09
Hear ye hear ye! Hello I did a cute (I think) recap video! Sorry none of the juicy bits got in there because nothing juicy happened…at least on night 1 of #taodesertnights remember when I posted 17 pics on the feed of celebs at my first party? Granted it was before stories existed, but…if you watch thru this you’ll see some 2017 Hailee. #tao #zenyara #djseinfeld #coachella24
04/16/2024 05:31
Longer and less about ME posts incoming, but for now:Arriving full of butterflies, demon throw up butterflies, and GRATITUDEWatching Model House in the CHINESE THEATER with all the cool kids of LA and laughing and cheering and screaming and okay stop this post was supposed to be about me
04/05/2024 07:44
AsSISTERant Abbey watched me shoot and was like “Were you nervous or something cause your legs and body were weird” I was like wuuuut omg well it was just beauty shots and she’s like “ohhhhhhh” phew I’m not a failure and yea if my bods not in the pic you better believe I’m clenching and contorting my toes and making pretzel legs.. Brown lip liner, brown lipstick, half magic eyeliner, euphoria make up, diamond beauty mark, 90s make up, magic flik, sparkle mole, diamond mole, sparkle beauty mark, Brandon Lundby, beauty shot, a24, brow liner, euphoria canceled, how to pose, silver jewelry, cross earrings
03/30/2024 05:46
What the duck
03/26/2024 06:59

Hailee Lautenbach / Top pics

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