Instagram Hera Hilmar

130,1 K subscribers 879 posts
Hi ????
05/24/2024 03:47
Where so many little beautiful feisty arctic terns are born, every year at the same time ????
05/16/2024 03:54
05/13/2024 12:54
pink in white
05/07/2024 05:51
???? urgent action required ????The fate of 750 fin whales rests in the hands of @bjarkeyg, the new Minister of Fisheries. As the whaling permit has expired, now’s our chance to advocate for a compassionate decision. The minister is under so much political pressure to issue a new license. ????Join us in sending uplifting messages to the minister @bjarkeyg and @vinstrigraen, encouraging them to not issue a new permit.????write an official Email using the email template in the link in @last_whaling_station bio. ????sign the petition in the @last_whaling_station bio#whale #finwhale #iceland #savethewhales
04/16/2024 06:25
Sólmyrkvi / Solar eclipse 8/4/2024 ????????Pic 1 - leavingPic 2 - arrivingFrom where we stood and gazed up at this beauty, sharing glasses with people in the neighbourhood, the moon came from bottom right of the sun and moved in sort of a banana ???? (like this one) over and up the sun. Beautiful.
04/09/2024 06:17
Thank you everyone who came to Hvalasöngur last Saturday in @tjarnarbio, and the power team that made this happen ???????????? Great night with great people!✨ @hvalavinir @last_whaling_station Keep talking, sharing, loving, reading, creating to keep nurturing ourselves and our planet. We’ve done so much already. This part of our story is over. Right now nobody holds a permit to hunt whales in Iceland. Lets keep it that way ????????????Photos ????
02/29/2024 05:53
02/21/2024 05:19
01/23/2024 07:16
01/09/2024 01:44

Hera Hilmar / Top pics

Hera Hilmar pic #1117077 1280x1706 4
Hera Hilmar pic #1090359 1280x1608 4
Hera Hilmar pic #1117076 800x1067 3
Hera Hilmar pic #1117078 800x1067 2
Hera Hilmar pic #1090360 1280x1920 2
Hera Hilmar pic #1087451 1200x1622 2