Instagram Montana Brown

1 M subscribers 677 posts
He is nearly 1 years old… he needs new socks, new clothes and probably some shoes ????
06/01/2024 07:40
wholesome dump ✨☀️
05/21/2024 01:53
what a gorgeous time with a truly inspiring brand. In 2023 @rarebeauty raised $2m dollars in support of young mental health which is crazy. I’ve never heard of a brand committing so much to a purpose and prioritising health, well-being and most importantly inclusivity. Feel really lucky to be working with a brand so set on making change in such a huge scale whilst not compromising on quality ✨????
05/15/2024 02:04
anyone can’t hold their baby without having a supportive carrier anymore? I remember popping to the shops with Jude in one hand and bags in the other ???? maybe I need to start doing some bicep curls… I really love this Caripod as it’s got a really thick and supportive back panel so I can go on really long walks with Jude and Zoley Guacamoley big up @seraphinematernity ???? AD
05/08/2024 12:26
Raithwaite hotel tour, questions are most welcomed…enjoy ????
04/29/2024 11:11
this has what’s been on the menu this week:1. My hair looked good this day2. pickled red onions and cucumber as fermented food is great for getting rid of visceral fat (fat around your organs) 3. My egg salad which was v tasty, high protein and high fat nom nom 4. finally got stocked back up of my fave super greens @pippacampbell_health 5. Vegetable broth to help Jude with his runny and sticky nose ????6. Our date night scallop 7. Cod, dill, broccoli and coconut yog for J Boy 8. Omegas for all 9. A little home made pesto pasta for J Boy. Tossed a handful of basil, broccoli, half an avo, drizzle of olive oil and a tea spoon of cream cheese.
04/20/2024 12:23
Honestly today has been a real epiphany that it’s the first time I’ve felt really good and confident about myself in a REALLY long time. I think the combination of sleep deprivation, being so unkind to myself about my body (so unlike me) and just getting so frustrated at my brain for being so unproductive, disorganised and feeling like I can’t function to the point that I felt like a different person. I honestly have had no patience especially for Mark, he is always so funny and full of life and the death stares I’ve been dishing, the silent treatments and the sudden inability to find any of his jokes funny ???? BUT I feel really great mentally and physically and so I just wanted to share that because I know so many mums feel alone and in the thick of it but really we’re all struggling. So I promise it gets easier and I really appreciate all the amazing people in my life who have helped me through this time of being low, being unable to show up in the way I would normally and SO critical of myself. I’m really lucky to have a partner who has massively stepped up when I have had nothing left in the tank, so for those who are doing this solo parenting thing I have SO much respect for you because it’s so hard! Anyways, my point is…. I feel like finally im getting back to my normal vibrant and positive self. ???? thanks for all the wonderful mummies in my DM’s who share your experiences as you help me so much xxxx
04/17/2024 02:42
Easter got me feeling like an actual influencer ???? proud of myself tbh. Hair did, no trackies and did my makeup in the car ✨
03/30/2024 05:58
much needed time away, fresh air, early nights and wholesome walks in the middle of no where with no signal ???? swipe to the end to see why I’m the luckiest gyal in the world ????
03/25/2024 05:50
Наконец-то и я посмотрела фильм «Poor things” (Бедные несчастные). И что хочу сказать?Это гениальное кино! Голливудский артхаус со множеством философских мыслей. Многие писали про красивый визуальный ряд и костюмы/прически, но основная ценность фильма по-моему совсем не в этом! В нем поднимается огромный пласт проблем нашей с вами современности: тут и развитие человека, и штампы общества, и табуированность сеkс@ для женщины, и отношения отцов и детей, и разность этих самых детей и особенности их развития, и отношение общества к женщине, о домашнем насилии, о выборах которые мы совершаем и тем самым выбираем свою «судьбу», психология отрошений между партнерами и в обществе, и ДАЖЕ наши с вами актуальные темы поддержки палестины и схем как это работает на Западе (одна из самых аллегоричных и красивых сцен в фильме). Я там увидела прям четкую схему поддержки Бапора западным обществом (если вы смотрели фильм, то понимаете о чем речь)Короче, там есть ВСИОООО о чем только можно думать и размышлять на сегодняшний день и все это не понапихнуто абы как, как в фильме «Барби» например, а сложено в одну простую, логичную и захватывающую линию. Сценаристам - браво!Эмма Стоун тоже гениально сыграла и заслуженно получила Оскар!В общем, хайли рекомендет!
03/16/2024 08:13

Montana Brown / Top pics

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