Instagram Nikki Reed

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Some of the more vibrant moments this past month, with little fingers finding delicate flowers, some feather snuggles, plus a squishy cow nose that deserves some recognition for how absolutely scrumptious it is! ????????????
05/26/2024 03:59
Fresh self-made bouquet I clipped from the garden for Mother’s Day yesterday morning. Loving on all you mamas out there, because loving on ourselves, seeing ourselves, and celebrating ourselves isn’t always top of mind for most of us! To all of you out there giving your whole heart, often times on little to no sleep, still finding time to dress up in dragon costumes pretending to build chicken coops out of magnet tiles on the floor before cooking what feels like the 20th meal of the day and running back and forth to meetings and zooms and dishes and emails and art class all before books and bed and then bath and still loving with every ounce of your being… I see you through a whole new lens mama. Just like I now see my own mama with the kind of deep gratitude that only comes from experience. I also want to send love to all the soon-to-be mamas, angel mamas, foster mamas, fur-baby mamas, god-mamas and anyone who has lost a mama. I see all of you, honor you and share this bouquet with you…????????
05/13/2024 04:25
At Bayou we strive for just a little bit better. We try to produce in a way that is conscious of the planet, by making small choices that we hope will create huge impact. Sometimes that means sourcing one of a kind stones because of their story, which results in smaller collections and more resources allocated to support those limited silhouettes. Sometimes it means talking to mines directly, and taking out the middle man who pads in their own profit in the hopes of giving money directly to the hands of those suppliers. It means doing our best to source fair trade, or offering to repurpose vintage, or collecting e-waste to showcase the intersection where fashion + sustainability collide. We believe in the power of small business, because small can mean big things. We see the impact in how others are now choosing to run their companies, or shop with their dollar, which means in some way, we are part of that shift. That is the greatest compliment of all. Just a few morning thoughts on what keeps our hearts and wheels turning at Bayou…Photos of @bayouwithlove by @samidrasin
05/09/2024 03:36
A bit of fresh air and a lot of fresh perspective on the mountain. After what feels like an eternity indoors, I couldn’t be more grateful for moments with people I love most, watching little bunnies on wobbly legs make their way down bunny hills for the first time. Memories that will live with me forever. Nature has a way of showing you exactly what you need, and I don’t think I have ever been more aware of the need for connection and community. Merci for the cozy gear! You made this California mama feel legit in the snow!❄️
04/21/2024 05:30
A beautiful afternoon gathering for one of my favorites. Six years ago I found @nagnata_ and to this day I stay up and shop their sales even when they hit my inbox at 3:15am. I so admire my dear friend @lauramay_ ‘s bold vision for the brand and innovative approach to reinventing the activewear space by veering away from synthetic fibers and leaning into responsibly sourced merino wool (prioritizing the welfare of sheep) and GOTS certified organic cotton. As someone who loves a multipurpose item, I am in awe of their ability to merge renewable fibres with technology and innovation, creating activewear that also pokes its head in the fashion space. At the end of the day, our skin is our largest organ. What we wear matters, not only for our health but the health of the planet. Every time we wash our clothes we are contributing to an alarming increase in microplastics on and around our bodies, in our oceans, and our food. Nag is seeking to change that. Loving you always Laura. Honored to be on this journey with you…
04/13/2024 03:19
True Flavors only come out when they’ve had time to simmer. Pause. In a world where everyone wants everything faster, I want to make it a point to move slower. With intention. With ease. A few years ago, with my eyes to the sky watching the clouds move at their own pace and the birds glide above, I noticed that everything nature shows us is that she wants us to move slowly. With ease. When frantic energy sets in, it usually means something is wrong. That the metaphorical tiger is chasing us. And our bodies know it. This modern day pace is fueling generations of anxiety and angst. And dis-ease. As I sit here catching up on endless emails, I can’t help but wonder if we will ever be able to move like the clouds and glide like the birds…
04/06/2024 04:47
Find the thing that moves you, and run towards it. Know what doesn’t serve you, and walk away from it. This is age. This, to me, is confidence. Be it with areas of passion, social circles, relationships, work and beyond, our inner knowing becomes fine-tuned as we get older. And my goodness, what a relief to fall into that knowing. This is life’s gift I am learning. This is the exchange for age, and I will gladly take it.
04/04/2024 01:12
This month was bananas. I knew it would be, so I went in prepared, but I am still trying to wrap my head around how much happened over the last three weeks! Straight from Expo to 10 hours on the road to Arizona straight onto an airplane for a 32 hour rounder in 3 different states over the course of 7 days working, and I don’t know how I would have made it without at least one or two solid nights of rest. Let’s be honest, sleep is a luxury right now! Most nights I am up every few hours on top of work and I know so many of you can relate! Listening to you share your experience with our @absorb.more Sleep has been such a gift! To hear a fellow mama say she is able to get some much needed rest means everything to me/us. And hearing you share your stories with me in person in Chicago on Sunday was so special!! So many of you are already on this journey with us!!!! ????PLEASE keep sharing with us, we love your feedback and so appreciate hearing how it has impacted your life. Here are a few snippets from the last few weeks! I am so excited to SLEEP!!!! How about you?!
03/27/2024 03:50
A week of wellness at Canyon Ranch serving Absorb mocktails alongside our Bayou With Love Trunk show, while sharing time with some incredible women who brought conscious business to the forefront. It was such an honor to spend my last day on a panel discussing all things fearlessness in life/business with these inspiring women. Even when asked to sit on a panel, I feel like I am an audience member, a student, a sponge soaking up every drop of wisdom and perspective so generously shared. Thank you to this little little piece of heaven in the desert????????@canyonranch @bayouwithlove @absorb.more
03/23/2024 05:23
Say HELLO to Caliwater Kids!!Been sitting on this little surprise with two of my longest friends @olivertrevena & @vanessahudgens for quite a while and I am so excited I can finally share! A nutrient-dense and antioxidant-rich drink made from cactus that is naturally low in calories and tastes incredible, now in a pouch that’s perfect for kids?! As a mama with a little cub that couldn’t get enough @caliwater , all I could think about was how I wanted to invest! I called my dear friend of 15 years Oliver Trevena & asked how I could jump in. It was just THAT GOOD. Honored to join this incredible team of mamas and this gorgeous mama-to-be @vanessahudgens @brookeburke and @roselyn_sanchez as an investor to launch these delicious Caliwater Kids cactus water pouches made from prickly-pear fruit. Your kids will go bananas for these, and you’ll have to find a way to not drink them all first!I really cannot wait for you to try ????????PLEASE ENJOY every last drop! Also, proudly supporting @Olive.Crest , a portion of proceeds goes to preventing child abuse and empowering families in crisis.
03/13/2024 07:13

Nikki Reed / Top pics

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