Instagram Stassi Schroeder

3 M subscribers 1,9 K posts
It’s been two years since we got to do it all in our happy place. Let’s go do it again. I love you, ti amo… @thegoodthebadthebogie ???????? ????
05/12/2024 04:26
Swipe for mom muscles
05/08/2024 11:14
This may ruffle some feathers and piss people off, but unpopular opinion, You Can’t Have It All… or at least not all at the same time.This isn’t a self help book, this basically is my diary and I’m here to share where I’m at - deepest darkest secrets and all. I’m baring a lot of my soul and talking about some really dark things that I’ve never shared (don’t worry, it won’t be depressing though). I don’t know about you, but I mentally destroy myself if I’m not excelling in every single thing I do - motherhood, career, relationships, hot bod, finances, home, social life - the list never freaking ends and I’m officially tapped out. It’s impossible to operate at 100% in everything all at once. Maybe the key to happiness is just taking a little bit of the pressure off. I’m not saying give up, I’m just saying… it’s ok if you give your kid a cake pop for breakfast once in a while, it’s okay to get off the treadmill… it’s okay if you still don’t know what you want to do with your life. IT’S OKAY. ????Preorder now wherever you shop for books. Link in bio. Available Sept 10, 2024. #youcanthaveitall
04/18/2024 07:30
Hi from Coachella.
04/14/2024 04:32
Officially in my Stassi era ???? @stassipodcast @dearmediastudio
03/27/2024 04:30
HOW DO WE HEAL #1I’ll be doing a series on this. We need answers and we need to know how to go inwards in order to unlock our authentic selves and consciousness that’s there waiting for us - in a world where we are told to look outside of ourselves.. that really isn’t the answer.
03/24/2024 01:16
Happy birthday to the MVP of our household. The Han Solo to my Leia, the Ron to my Hermoine, the Jon Snow to my Ygritte (love Daenerys but that feels dark), the Luke to my Lorelai. I’d reference that couple in Dune for you but I’ve never seen it, so….. I love you. Happy birthday.
03/18/2024 04:11
02/24/2024 03:48
02/15/2024 05:13
01/18/2024 08:14

Stassi Schroeder / Top pics

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Stassi Schroeder pic #1094499 1280x1744 1
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Stassi Schroeder pic #1094505 1280x1902