Instagram Yovanna Ventura

5 M subscribers 164 posts
First time in Cannes, and I had the pleasure of being part of a night with @amfar , an organization that has done so much to help those affected by HIV/AIDS and to prevent its spread. @amfar has funded groundbreaking research and supported countless initiatives to find a cure and improve lives. Truly inspiring work! ????????♥️
05/26/2024 02:16
They say time heals everything so how are you still in my mind? I’m Not Ok ❤️‍???? Official Music Video out May 13th
05/10/2024 10:48
Comment below with this emoji “????” and I will send you a DM sneak peak of something coming soon
05/09/2024 05:35
Wow, May 7th, the day I’m releasing my first song! ???????? This has been a long journey of years, of fears holding me back and going along with other people’s opinions on who I should be because of my own doubts, because of where I come from, because, because, because, so many becauses. The path of going for it hasn’t been easy, but it’s been the most alive I’ve felt in my life. I’ve lost people, opportunities, and stability to go for what fills my heart, but what’s important is that those who matter have stuck through thick and thin, and whatever has been lost was meant to be. I love songwriting so much; it’s my way of connecting and coping with what happens and what I’m feeling. I’m happy and nervous to be sharing so much vulnerability with you, but my only hope is that through my lyrics, you can connect and don’t feel alone through whatever it is you may be going through. Anyway… enough of all that! if you’d like to hear my first new song, pre-save the link in my bio. Let the journey continue ????
04/22/2024 09:34
Good times with @revolve at the #revolvefestival ????????
04/16/2024 06:23
I’ve been traveling a lot these past months and have been able to stick to my morning routine, the difference seen on handling a day to day with a morning routine is big. A morning routine can take anywhere from 10min to 30min, it doesn’t have to be complicated, the easier it is for you the better. ???? more videos on my YouTube channel
04/04/2024 04:17
Me and the same jacket that I wear every day :D
03/28/2024 10:37
A night with @armanibeauty
03/24/2024 07:05
Juicy ???? combo@charlottetilbury pillow talk- 2 medium@hourglasscosmetics flaunt 2@fentybeauty lip tint@jouercosmetics espirit lip oilSong I’m Not Ok by Yovanna Ventura / coming soon
03/17/2024 07:04
02/23/2024 07:17

Yovanna Ventura / Top pics

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